ঢাকা উত্তর সিটি কর্পোরেশনের জন্ম ও মৃত্যু নিবন্ধন সংক্রান্ত দায়িত্বপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তাদের তালিকা ।
প্রকাশের তারিখ: October, 2024
Array ( [id] => 37f0eb9d-9651-40c6-814e-5b71000f40e1 [version] => 6 [active] => 1 [publish] => 1 [created] => 2024-08-09 17:24:56 [lastmodified] => 2024-08-18 16:45:04 [createdby] => 4238 [lastmodifiedby] => 1292 [domain_id] => 6424 [office_id] => [menu_id] => [title_bn] => ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস [title_en] => Dr. Muhammad Yunus [body_bn] => [body_en] => [userpermissionsids] => [uploadpath] => cea9afd3-69e4-4b05-bf1a-6d93acd4c2c5 [userip] => [useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 [usergeo] => [is_right_side_bar] => 0 [office_head_photo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => 2024-08-09-11-24-5b0e0988196246c3769244954182d888.jpg [caption_bn] => [caption_en] => [link] => ) ) [office_head_description] => [office_head_des_bn] =>ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস
[office_head_des_en] =>Dr. Muhammad Yunus
[designation] => [designation_new_bn] =>মাননীয় প্রধান উপদেষ্টা
[designation_new_en] =>Hon'ble Chief Adviser
[weight] => 4 ) =======================Array ( [id] => 4d4fdd01-ffb9-4859-a06a-0e9d1021b0eb [version] => 1 [active] => 1 [publish] => 1 [created] => 2024-08-18 16:49:05 [lastmodified] => 2024-11-12 15:08:55 [createdby] => 1292 [lastmodifiedby] => 4238 [domain_id] => 6424 [office_id] => [menu_id] => [title_bn] => আসিফ মাহমুদ সজীব ভূঁইয়া [title_en] => Asif Mahmud Shojib Bhuyain [body_bn] => [body_en] => [userpermissionsids] => [uploadpath] => c9ea8087-2a71-4f8f-b1f1-64397de18358 [userip] => [useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 [usergeo] => [is_right_side_bar] => 0 [office_head_photo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => 2024-11-12-09-08-f2f1d861da199a46e507800e36a108d0.png [caption_bn] => [caption_en] => [link] => ) ) [office_head_description] => [office_head_des_bn] =>আসিফ মাহমুদ সজীব ভূঁইয়া
[office_head_des_en] =>Asif Mahmud Shojib Bhuyain
[designation] => [designation_new_bn] =>মাননীয় উপদেষ্টা
[designation_new_en] =>Hon'ble Adviser
[weight] => 3 ) =======================Array ( [id] => 748d7207-7f33-4ee1-af2f-471054d3ff4a [version] => 32 [active] => 1 [publish] => 1 [created] => 2020-05-13 06:36:54 [lastmodified] => 2025-02-16 12:52:32 [createdby] => 1292 [lastmodifiedby] => 1292 [domain_id] => 6424 [office_id] => [menu_id] => [title_bn] => মোহাম্মদ এজাজ [title_en] => Mohammad Azaz [body_bn] => [body_en] => [userpermissionsids] => [uploadpath] => 73508691-50ff-4adf-ad3d-8488b70b56f5 [userip] => [useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 [usergeo] => [is_right_side_bar] => 0 [office_head_photo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => 2025-02-16-06-52-95bf5d229858c7437a6d8038b05db84f.jpg [caption_bn] => [caption_en] => [link] => ) ) [office_head_description] => [office_head_des_bn] =>মোহাম্মদ এজাজ
Mohammad Azaz is an applied researcher, urban policy advocate, and environmental organizer
dedicated to co-producing fair and sustainable cities and regions. With over two decades of
experience in local governance, urban development, and environmental restoration, he has been
at the forefront of initiatives that integrate community participation with urban and ecological
Azaz completed an MBA in International Business and a Master's in Development Studies. After
a decade of career as a university lecturer teaching economic policy, sustainable development,
and international trade at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, he shifted his focus to social
transformation and environmental issues in Bangladesh.
Azaz’s pathbreaking research has been instrumental in reshaping urban and regional water
governance, particularly through his knowledge leadership in the conservation of Dhaka’s rivers,
canals, and wetlands. As the founder of the River and Delta Research Centre (RDRC), he has
spearheaded groundbreaking research and advocacy projects focused on restoring urban water
bodies, ensuring equitable access to natural resources, and challenging the structural injustices
embedded in city planning.
Azaz’s works reveal close understanding of colonial models of resource governance in the
Bengal Delta. The actionable knowledge production under the RDRC umbrella reflects Azaz’s
striving for social-ecological decolonization through research, activism, and advocacy. His
landmark projects include the Dhaka Rivers and the Baseline Survey on the Rivers of Dhaka
Division, which provided valuable insights into the degradation of urban water systems and laid
the foundation for policy reforms. He led the Canals and Waterbodies of Dhaka City project,
which mapped and documented the city's neglected waterways, advocating for their revival as
essential components of Dhaka’s urban ecosystem. He also conducted a pathbreaking study
about the defensive and strategic role of rivers in Bangladesh’s National Liberation War 1971.
As part of an international consortium, Azaz co-conceived the ReWET Initiative, an urban
wetland restoration program that bridges ecological regeneration with social justice for climateimpacted
urban dwellers. Under this pioneering climate-just initiative that moves beyond
beautification paradigm of lake restoration, he is leading efforts to restore Dhaka’s Gulshan-
Banani Lake, working alongside marginalized local communities to co-create an agroecological
model for participatory lake restoration in densely urbanized environments. In another
community-engaged transformative initiative, Riverine Urbanism, Azaz documented the impacts
of industrial pollution on urban fishing communities, highlighted the socio-economic realities of
river-dependent marginalized urban communities in Turag catchment areas. Through this
socially-engaged research, Azaz advocated for fishing communities’ social inclusion, and
reimagined fisherfolk as urban river stewards struggling against displacement and degradation.
He has formerly served as the director of Riverine People, a civic organization. During this time,
Azaz played a key role in establishing grassroots networks and associations advocating for
conservation across the eastern Bengal Delta. He was a pioneer in setting up youth-led River
Conservation Clubs (RCC) in universities. He is the co-founder and vice president of the GBM
Basin People’s Network, a network of local communities across the Ganges-Brahmaputra-
Meghna basin. Through this, Azaz has been providing strategic trainings on transboundary river
issues to organizations in the region.
Azaz’s expertise encompasses broader urban justice issues. Through the Just Urban platform,
Azaz developed a visionary proposal for fair urban transitions, ensuring that Bangladesh’s
urbanization prioritizes social equity, climate resilience, and inclusive governance.
Beyond research and policy, Azaz is a committed public intellectual involved in diverse popular
education efforts. As the editor of Obobhahika, a Bangla journal on river research, and the host
of Dialogue with Mohammad Azaz, he actively engages with internationally recognized experts,
scholars, policymakers, and citizens to foster discussions and analyses on sustainable urban and
ecological futures in Bangladesh and surrounding regions. Under his leadership, River File, an
annual advocacy and policy tool, has published comprehensive reports on the country's polluted
rivers and illegal sand extraction, and significantly shifted the public discourse around national
water management. His writings and advocacy continue to critically influence policy debates in
Bangladesh, shaping strategies for equitable city planning and water governance. As a
geopolitical analyst, Azaz is a key contributor for Strategic Perspective & Risk Intelligence
Group (SPRInG).
Azaz’s leadership in capacity building, training, and strategic thinking has positioned him as
well-regarded mentor among environmental and river activists. At RDRC, Azaz continued his
mentorship role and committed to raising the next generation of thinkers and researchers
dedicated to bringing local knowledge and experiences from the Global South into national and
global mainstream discourse.[office_head_des_en] =>
As Dhaka North City Corporation Administrator, Mohammad Azaz envisions a city that is not
only economically vibrant but also ecologically resilient, culturally plural, and socially just. His
leadership is committed to integrating urban nature with development, strengthening
participatory governance, and ensuring that every citizen has access to clean water, green spaces,
and dignified living conditions.Mohammad Azaz
Mohammad Azaz is an applied researcher, urban policy advocate, and environmental organizer
dedicated to co-producing fair and sustainable cities and regions. With over two decades of
experience in local governance, urban development, and environmental restoration, he has been
at the forefront of initiatives that integrate community participation with urban and ecological
Azaz completed an MBA in International Business and a Master's in Development Studies. After
a decade of career as a university lecturer teaching economic policy, sustainable development,
and international trade at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, he shifted his focus to social
transformation and environmental issues in Bangladesh.
Azaz’s pathbreaking research has been instrumental in reshaping urban and regional water
governance, particularly through his knowledge leadership in the conservation of Dhaka’s rivers,
canals, and wetlands. As the founder of the River and Delta Research Centre (RDRC), he has
spearheaded groundbreaking research and advocacy projects focused on restoring urban water
bodies, ensuring equitable access to natural resources, and challenging the structural injustices
embedded in city planning.
Azaz’s works reveal close understanding of colonial models of resource governance in the
Bengal Delta. The actionable knowledge production under the RDRC umbrella reflects Azaz’s
striving for social-ecological decolonization through research, activism, and advocacy. His
landmark projects include the Dhaka Rivers and the Baseline Survey on the Rivers of Dhaka
Division, which provided valuable insights into the degradation of urban water systems and laid
the foundation for policy reforms. He led the Canals and Waterbodies of Dhaka City project,
which mapped and documented the city's neglected waterways, advocating for their revival as
essential components of Dhaka’s urban ecosystem. He also conducted a pathbreaking study
about the defensive and strategic role of rivers in Bangladesh’s National Liberation War 1971.
As part of an international consortium, Azaz co-conceived the ReWET Initiative, an urban
wetland restoration program that bridges ecological regeneration with social justice for climateimpacted
urban dwellers. Under this pioneering climate-just initiative that moves beyond
beautification paradigm of lake restoration, he is leading efforts to restore Dhaka’s Gulshan-
Banani Lake, working alongside marginalized local communities to co-create an agroecological
model for participatory lake restoration in densely urbanized environments. In another
community-engaged transformative initiative, Riverine Urbanism, Azaz documented the impacts
of industrial pollution on urban fishing communities, highlighted the socio-economic realities of
river-dependent marginalized urban communities in Turag catchment areas. Through this
socially-engaged research, Azaz advocated for fishing communities’ social inclusion, and
reimagined fisherfolk as urban river stewards struggling against displacement and degradation.
He has formerly served as the director of Riverine People, a civic organization. During this time,
Azaz played a key role in establishing grassroots networks and associations advocating for
conservation across the eastern Bengal Delta. He was a pioneer in setting up youth-led River
Conservation Clubs (RCC) in universities. He is the co-founder and vice president of the GBM
Basin People’s Network, a network of local communities across the Ganges-Brahmaputra-
Meghna basin. Through this, Azaz has been providing strategic trainings on transboundary river
issues to organizations in the region.
Azaz’s expertise encompasses broader urban justice issues. Through the Just Urban platform,
Azaz developed a visionary proposal for fair urban transitions, ensuring that Bangladesh’s
urbanization prioritizes social equity, climate resilience, and inclusive governance.
Beyond research and policy, Azaz is a committed public intellectual involved in diverse popular
education efforts. As the editor of Obobhahika, a Bangla journal on river research, and the host
of Dialogue with Mohammad Azaz, he actively engages with internationally recognized experts,
scholars, policymakers, and citizens to foster discussions and analyses on sustainable urban and
ecological futures in Bangladesh and surrounding regions. Under his leadership, River File, an
annual advocacy and policy tool, has published comprehensive reports on the country's polluted
rivers and illegal sand extraction, and significantly shifted the public discourse around national
water management. His writings and advocacy continue to critically influence policy debates in
Bangladesh, shaping strategies for equitable city planning and water governance. As a
geopolitical analyst, Azaz is a key contributor for Strategic Perspective & Risk Intelligence
Group (SPRInG).
Azaz’s leadership in capacity building, training, and strategic thinking has positioned him as
well-regarded mentor among environmental and river activists. At RDRC, Azaz continued his
mentorship role and committed to raising the next generation of thinkers and researchers
dedicated to bringing local knowledge and experiences from the Global South into national and
global mainstream discourse.[designation] => [designation_new_bn] =>
As Dhaka North City Corporation Administrator, Mohammad Azaz envisions a city that is not
only economically vibrant but also ecologically resilient, culturally plural, and socially just. His
leadership is committed to integrating urban nature with development, strengthening
participatory governance, and ensuring that every citizen has access to clean water, green spaces,
and dignified living conditions.প্রশাসক
[designation_new_en] =>Administrator
[weight] => 2 ) =======================Array ( [id] => ab4a1e49-bbca-46c4-bb54-01bacd7026a5 [version] => 23 [active] => 1 [publish] => 1 [created] => 2020-02-10 05:55:45 [lastmodified] => 2025-02-16 14:54:30 [createdby] => 1292 [lastmodifiedby] => 1292 [domain_id] => 6424 [office_id] => [menu_id] => [title_bn] => আবু সাঈদ মোঃ কামরুজ্জামান, এনডিসি [title_en] => Abu Sayed Md. Kamruzzaman, NDC [body_bn] => [body_en] => [userpermissionsids] => [uploadpath] => 0ce84397-c0e7-4552-bf6c-9a1c0ddc27c2 [userip] => [useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 [usergeo] => [is_right_side_bar] => 0 [office_head_photo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => 2025-02-16-08-54-c58dc701fa21a8f8a5cbbf7d6eeacec8.jpg [caption_bn] => [caption_en] => [link] => ) ) [office_head_description] => [office_head_des_bn] =>আবু সাঈদ মোঃ কামরুজ্জামান, এনডিসি
[office_head_des_en] =>Abu Sayed Md. Kamruzzaman, NDC
[designation] => [designation_new_bn] =>
প্রধান নির্বাহী কর্মকর্তা
[designation_new_en] =>CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
[weight] => 1 ) =======================
পরিকল্পনা ও বাস্তবায়নে: মন্ত্রিপরিষদ বিভাগ, এটুআই, বিসিসি, ডিওআইসিটি ও বেসিস।
কারিগরি সহায়তায়: